Image Consultants

Our stylists will help you make the most of your image. They will work alongside you to show you how to make the most of it by suggesting the most suitable style. To get the best results we take into consideration your personality as well as styles and colours.



  • Personal Shopper.

We recommend the best shops to save you time, effort and money when making future purchases. You will be able to find the clothes and accessories which suit you best, adapted to your lifestyle, taste and budget. Whenever you need new items, it will be easy and if you don’t have time yourself, your personal shopper will do it for you!

  • The essentials.

Do you want to get the most out of your clothes?. By taking into consideration your personality and the style which best suits you, we do a study of your wardrobe, getting rid of the items you can do without and selecting those which make you look good. We advise you on the essentials you need, the clothes which best fit your lifestyle and your figure.

  • Packing for trips.

You never know what to take with you on holiday? What do you need to pack? Our personal shopper will help you pack your suitcases with the best items for every occasion. We will teach you how to create different styles minimizing the number of items you take and selecting accessories, bags and shoes which compliment each other best.

  • Books.

Disfruta de una sesión de fotos en la que te maquillamos, peinamos y asesoramos en los estilismos para que tengas tu propio book profesional. ¡Siéntete como una estrella!.

  • Study of your attributes and colour.

We will help you understand your body shape and teach you how to make the most of your most positive attributes.  This is essential in enabling you to choose the clothes which suit you best and show off your natural beauty. Feel good about yourself!

When choosing the colours for your wardrobe, it’s vitally important to be aware of your physical features, the style which suits you best and your personality. We will study the range of colours which favour your image to design the most suitable style.


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